This page is continued from Getting Started >>>> Representing Yourself “Pro Se” and Assisting Others as a Non-Lawyer >>>> Lawyer? Attorney? Counselor? What’s the Difference? >>>> Attorney:
attorney general:
1. The chief law officer of a state or of the United States, responsible for advising the government on legal matters and representing it in litigation. * The term general in this phrase is a postpositive adjective, not an honorific, so the title should not, strictly speaking, be shortened. — Abbr. AG. Pl. attorneys general. [1]
1. Chief law officer of the nation or a state, to whom is usually entrusted not only the duty of prosecuting all suits or proceedings wherein the government, national or state as it may be, is concerned, but also the task of advising the chief executive and other administrative heads of the government in all legal matters on which they may desire his opinion. 7 Am J2d Atty Gen § 1. [2]
1. The chief law officer of the nation or of a state. The attorney general is responsible for representing the government in legal actions with which it is concerned, and for advising the chief executive and other administrative heads of the government on legal matters on which they desire an opinion. [3]
Attorney General of the United States:
1. The head of the Department of Justice; a member of the President’s Cabinet. [2]
1. Appointed by the president and is the head of the Department of Justice. [3]
attorney general’s opinion:
1. An opinion furnished by the U.S. Attorney General to the President or another executive official on a request concerning a question of law.
2. A written opinion by a state attorney general, usually given at the request of a public official, interpreting a legal provision. [1]
opinion of the attorney general:
1. An opinion prepared by the attorney general by way fo advising the executive and administrative heads of the state government upon questions of law touching their official duties. 7 Am J2d Atty Gen § 8 .
The opinion of the Attorney General of the united states upon a question of law, required by the President or the head of any of the executive departments of the General Government. 5 USC §§ 303, 304. [2]
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[1]: Black’s Law Dictionary Deluxe Tenth Edition by Henry Campbell Black & Editor in Chief Bryan A. Garner. ISBN: 978-0-314-62130-6
[2]: Ballantine’s Law Dictionary with Pronunciations
Third Edition by James A. Ballantine (James Arthur 1871-1949). Edited by William S. Anderson. © 1969 by THE LAWYER’S CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 68-30931
[3]: Ballantine’s Law Dictionary Legal Assistant Edition
by Jack Ballantine (James Arthur 1871-1949). Doctored by Jack G. Handler, J.D. © 1994 Delmar by Thomson Learning. ISBN 0-8273-4874-6.
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