municipal court – a local court whose territorial jurisdiction is limited to the municipality, and subject matter jurisdiction is confined to enforcing municipal ordinances, petty offenses, and small civil cases

     This page is also continued from Intro >>>> Jurisdiction >>>> Municipal, County, State, Federal, & Tribal Courts:


adj. (16c.)

1. Of, relating to, or involving a city, town, or local governmental unit.

2. Of, relating to, or involving the internal government of a state or country (as contrasted with international). [1]

municipal court:

1. A local court whose territorial jurisdiction is limited to the geographical boundaries of the municipality in which it is located and whose subject matter jurisdiction is generally confined to enforcing municipal ordinances and trying petty offenses, and to civil cases involving claims for small amounts of money.  See also police courtsmall claims court. [1]

1. A local court created by statute, the jurisdiction of which is usually limited as to territorial ambit, and often as to the subject matter of litigation, sometimes being confined to that of a police court for the enforcement of municipal ordinances and regulations. State, ex rel. Stark v McArthur, 13 Wis 383, 386, but which may be extended, the state constitution permitting, to constitute general jurisdiction. 20 Am J2d Cts § 30. [2]

1. A local court whose territorial jurisdiction is limited to the geographical boundaries of the municipality in which it is located and whose subject matter jurisdiction is generally confined to enforcing municipal ordinances and trying petty offenses, and to civil cases involving claims for small amounts of money.  See also police court; small claims court. [3]

municipal law – 1. In the narrow and most usual sense of the term, the law pertaining to local government.  2. In a broad sense, the law of a state or nation, as distinguished from international law. [1]

municipal corporation – a public corporation created for political purposes and endowed with political powers to be exercised for the public good in the administration of local civil government. — aka municipality.  Cf. quasi-corporation under CORPORATION


Bismarck Municipal Court:


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[1]]:  Black’s Law Dictionary Deluxe Tenth Edition by Henry Campbell Black & Editor in Chief Bryan A. Garner. ISBN: 978-0-314-62130-6


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