praeter legem. See EQUITY PRAETER LEGEM.
n. (16c)
1. Roman Law. A building where lawsuits were adjudicated by one or more praetors.
2. The official residence of a Roman governor in the provinces. — also spelled pretorium.
n. [Latin] (15c)
1. Roman law. The magistrate responsible for identifying and framing the legal issues in a case and for ordering a lay judge (judex) to hear evidence and decide the case in accordance with the formula. See FORMULA (1). — aka pretor.
Praetor AErarius – a praetor connected with the treasury.
Praetor Fideicommissarius – a special praetor having jurisdiction over cases involving trusts.
Praetor Peregrinus – a praetor who decided cases between citizens and foreigners and cases between foreigners.
Praetor Tutelaris – a praetor who dealt with the affairs of minors.
Praetor Urbanus – a praetor who decided cases between citizens.
praetorian edict. See edictum praetoris under EDICTUM.
1. [Latin “collus on with an Opponent”] Roman law. An accuser’s colluding with the defense in such a way that the accused will be acquitted. * An accuser might do this in various ways, as by de-emphasizing the most important charges, refraining from calling the most important witnesses, or refraining from exercising peremptory challenges against jurors who would tend to favor th31e accused. See CALUMNIA. Cf. TERGIVERSATIO.
praevaricator (pree-var-a-kay-tar). See PREVARICATOR.
prevarication (pri-var-a-kay-shan)
. . . > 71. (16C
an instance of avmdmg the truth, esp. by 1133:)“ or mg questions directly; deviation from honest exprezgerEQUIVOCATION (1). -prevaricate (pri-var-a-kaYt) vim;
prevaricator (pri-var-a-kay-tar), 11. [Latin] (15c) 1. A liar. an equivocator. 2. Roman law. Someone who betrays: another 5 trust, such as an advocate who aids the opposing
party by betraying the client. -Also spelled (in sense 2) praevarz’cator.
praevento termino (pri-ven-toh tar-ma-noh). [Law Latin “by anticipating the term”] (1874) Scots law. An action in the Court of Session to prevent a delay in a suspension or an appeal. See SUSPENSION (6).
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[1]: Black’s Law Dictionary Deluxe Tenth Edition by Henry Campbell Black, Editor in Chief Bryan A. Garner. ISBN: 978-0-314-61300-4
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