Federal, State (County, Municipal), & Tribal Courts – what’s the difference?

     This page is also continued from Intro >>>> Jurisdiction:


state courts – affected by State Constitutions.

federal courts– to regulate Corporations, & to Protect Against “Rights Violations” & Government Corruption, & to Manage “Fiduciary Relationship” w/ Tribes in Good Faith.

tribal courts – coming soon.










This page will be updated asap.

   It is important to remember that the original States  filing federal statutes in a civil case, you’re coming in “from above the heads of the States & without regard to the State Constitution”; the defendant (which may be either an artificial person or a natural person.) receives a summons in the mail which reads “The United States of America, Plaintiff, vs. NAME OF DEFENDANT, Defendant.

     When filing local or State statutes (codes, ordinances, policies, etc.), you’re filing from “below the State Constitution”, & some State Constitutions give enhanced privileges or unfair exemptions to local governments, authorities, & others.  Expect injustice in the lower courts; ALWAYS take it to the federal courts– see section Article 7 Section 4(b) of the California State Constitution, for instance, which reads:

SEC. 4. The following are exempt from civil service:

(a) Officers and employees appointed or employed by the Legislature, either house, or legislative committees.

(b) Officers and employees appointed or employed by councils, commissions or public corporations in the judicial branch or by a court of record or officer thereof.

(c) Officers elected by the people and a deputy and an employee selected by each elected officer.

(d) Members of boards and commissions.

(e) A deputy or employee selected by each board or commission either appointed by the Governor or authorized by statute.

(f) State officers directly appointed by the Governor with or without the consent or confirmation of the Senate and the employees of the Governor’s office, and the employees of the Lieutenant Governor’s office directly appointed or employed by the Lieutenant Governor.

(g) A deputy or employee selected by each officer, except members of boards and commissions, exempted under Section 4(f).

(h) Officers and employees of the University of California and the California State Colleges.

(i) The teaching staff of schools under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education or the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

(j) Member, inmate, and patient help in state homes, charitable or correctional institutions, and state facilities for mentally ill or retarded persons.

(k) Members of the militia while engaged in military service.

(l) Officers and employees of district agricultural associations employed less than 6 months in a calendar year.

(m) In addition to positions exempted by other provisions of this section, the Attorney General may appoint or employ six deputies or employees, the Public Utilities Commission may appoint or employ one deputy or employee, and the Legislative Counsel may appoint or employ two deputies or employees.

     Notice that in subsection (b) that “public corporations in the judicial branch” are “exempt from civil service”; in California, this includes County “Superior” Courthouses, the California State BAR, & others.

    When filing with the courts, you may indicate, for instance, “I do not accept the Terms & Conditions of the California State Constitution” to avoid disruptive exemptions & State-crafted loopholes; again, with federal statutes you’re coming in from “above the heads of the State”.

History of County Courthouses

State Courts

Federal Courts

Tribal Courts- coming soon

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