“Notice of Constitutional Question”; Overturn Any Statute, Code, Ordinance (etc.) or Act of Congress Ever

    “Challenging a Statute” OR any “Act of Congress” as “unconstitutional” is governed under Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 5.1; here’s a simplified version of the procedure for challenging a statute OR act of congress under this rule:

Step One:  

File a “Notice of Constitutional Questionwhich cites the exact statute AND why it is in question; attach any paperwork (research) which backs your claim at the local Clerk of Court; by law (under 28 U.S.C. §2403), the notice & attached paperwork will be directed from the court to:
The County District Attorney if its a county or city ordinance (municipal code), building code, etc.,
The State Attorney General if its a State Statute,
or The United States Attorney General (currently Eric H. Holder, Jr.) if its a Federal Statute.

NOTE:  One way “statutes” & “acts of congress” may be challenged is by trying them as “Arbitrary & Capricious” (unfounded &/or “not in accordance with law)

   A Notice of Constitutional Question may be filed either by certified or registered mail OR by sending it to an electronic address designated by the attorney general for this purpose & must be done “promptly” by the challenging party (immediately after they are affected OR as soon as they realize they are legally able to do this).
IMPORTANT:  Be sure to have the Clerk of Court make a copy of all paperwork & then stamp & date it so that you will have a record of the day that you filed it to ensure it doesn’t get lost & that it is responded to in a timely manner.
ALSO NOTE:  By law, employees of the state, government, county, city, etc. whose statute is in question may not legally file a Notice of Constitutional Question; the notice must come from a citizen or affected individual not working for the government.

   The Notice of Constitutional Question will ensure that the attorney general is notified of constitutional challenges & has an opportunity to exercise the statutory right to intervene at the earliest possible point in the litigation:

Rules Regarding “Intervention by Attorney General”

     aka “Final Decision on the Merits”: Unless the court sets a later time, the attorney general may intervene within 60 days after the notice is filed OR the court certifies the challenge- whichever is earlier.  Before the time to intervene expires, the court may reject the constitutional challengebut may not enter a final judgment holding the statute unconstitutional.
   The court may reject a constitutional challenge to a statute at any time,  but they may not enter a final judgment holding a statute unconstitutional before the attorney general has responded or the intervention period has expired without response.  The court may extend the 60-day period on its own or on motion.
   One may lay claim to an officer’s bond via filing a Tort Form (aka “Liability Claim”) to the agency that hired the particular law enforcement agency that affected you.  This lets them know that *they owe you* & allows them to analyze the evidence & either “settle” (pay you according to your claims) or fight it in court.  When filing a tort, include $10,000 per officer, compensation for any time lost (keep a daily log detailing “what you did” in regards to developing the case, researching, etc. as well as any meal receipts so that you may be reimbursed), & also any additional amount for damages sustained (known as “personal injury”).  Personal injury does not mean that you were physically assaulted- according to United States law- a damage to your civil rights IS a personal injury.  When the agency denies your claim (its rare that they would not), you will then have 6 months (more if it takes you longer to prepare the case so long as you have records proving such) to file a counter-suit with the Court of Appeals.

Another Technique (The “Rattlesnake Method”):

   If you have given the officer(s) sufficient (calm) warning that by giving you a ticket that they are violating your rights AND you have sufficient evidence of this, it is then possible to bypass the Superior Court altogether & simply file immediately for a Citizen’s Arrest on “the man or woman who is liable to the Constitutional Oath they swore” for Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law (if one officer), Conspiracy to Interfere With Civil Rights (if two or more officers), & also Action for Neglect to Prevent, Aiding & Abetting, & Perjury of Oath could also potentially be applicable.  For an officer to enforce a statute that violates rights under “color of law” is illegal.  Learn more about filing a Citizen’s Arrest.


The Second Flag of The United States:

Don't Tread On Me

The Second Flag of The United States:An Appeal to Heaven

This section will continue to be developed asap.   Please contact [email protected] to offer essential insights or research.


Procedure for “Trying a Law as Unconstitutional” by Cornell Law University:  http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/rule_5.1

Civil Rule 4:  http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/rule_4 

“Bond” on Black’s Law Dictionary:  http://thelawdictionary.org/bond-n/

Fourteenth Amendment on Archives.gov:  http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/14thamendment.html

Filing a Tort Claim with the state:  http://des.wa.gov/services/Risk/claims/Pages/standardTortClaims.aspx

“An Appeal to Heaven” aka Pine Tree Flag on Wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Tree_Flag

“Don’t Tread On Me” aka Gadsden Flag on Wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gadsden_flag

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