Fact-Finder – one or more persons who hear testimony and review evidence to rule on a factual issue; the judge (in a bench trial) or a jury

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1. One or more persons who hear testimony and review evidence to rule on a factual issue.  *  The fact-finder may be the judge (in a bench trial) or a jury Often spelled factfinder.  — aka finder a fact; fact~trier or trier of fact (in a judicial proceeding); fact-finding board (for a group or committee).  See FINDING OF FACT.


1..The process of considering the evidence presented to determine the truth about a disputed point of fact.

1. A method of alternative dispute resolution in which an impartial third party determines and studies the facts and positions of disputing parties with a view toward clarifying the issues and helping the parties work through their dispute. [1]

finding of fact – (18c) A determination by a judge, jury, or administrative agency of a fact supported by the evidence in the record, usu. presented at the trial or hearing <he agreed with the jury’s finding of fact that the driver did not stop before proceeding into the intersection>. — Often shortened to finding. See FACT-FINDER.  Cf. CONCLUSION OF FACT; CONCLUSION OF LAW. [1]

1. The result of reasoning from the evidentiary facts. Greenberg v Lee, 196 Or 157, 248 P2d 324, 35 ALR2d 567.

A conclusion drawn by the trial court from the facts without the exercise of legal judgment. 53 Am J1st Trial § 1132.

A written statement of an ultimate fact as found by the court, signed by the court, and filed in court, often required by statute as support for the decision and judgment in a trial to the court. 53 Am J1st Trial § 1131.

A finding made by arbitrators. 5 Am J2d, Arb & A § 127.

Finding of referee or master.  The finding of a coroner or medical examiner at an inquest conducted to ascertain the cause of death of a person. 18 Am J2d Corn § 16.
     In a trial to the court, the court makes findings.  A jury, on the other hand, ordinarily makes no findings of fact.  it arrives at a verdict, making findings of fact only as special findings or a special verdict is required in a particular case. State ex rel. Higgins v Beloit, 74 Wis 267, 269, 42 NW 110.
     See special finding; special verdict. [2]

1. A conclusion with respect ot disputed facts in a legal action, reasoned or inferred form the evidence.
     Compare conclusion of law.  See also conclusion of fact. [3]

concurrent finding – (usu. pl.) (1894) Identical factual findings by two different tribunals on a specific issue of fact.

essential finding (1902) Military law. A military tribunal’s determination of a collateral pretrial motion.

general finding (1829) An undifferentiated finding in favor of one party.

special finding (17c) l. (usu. pl.) A finding of the necessary and ultimate facts to support a judgment in favor of one party.  2. Military law. A military tribunal’s finding that directly relates to the determination of guilt or innocence. [1]


Disclaimer: All material throughout this website is compiled in accordance with Fair Use.

[1]: Black’s Law Dictionary Deluxe Tenth Edition by Henry Campbell Black & Editor in Chief Bryan A. Garner. ISBN: 978-0-314-62130-6

[2]: Ballantine’s Law Dictionary with Pronunciations
Third Edition by James A. Ballantine (James Arthur 1871-1949).  Edited by William S. Anderson.  © 1969 by THE LAWYER’S CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING COMPANY.  Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 68-30931

[3]:  Ballantine’s Law Dictionary Legal Assistant Edition
by Jack Ballantine 
(James Arthur 1871-1949).  Doctored by Jack G. Handler, J.D. © 1994 Delmar by Thomson Learning.  ISBN 0-8273-4874-6.


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