I have a warrant in another state! If I go back, I will be arrested. In reality, I am the victim of a civil rights violation; an officer violated my first amendment right under color of law by charging me with a crime!
Due to the fact that I was scared of being falsely imprisoned if I showed up to my trial, I left the state for my safety. Now I have a warrant II am listed as a defendant in an upcoming crminal casIf I return the other state, I will be arrested, and my vehicle will be impounded. If my vehicle gets robbed by some unruly officers, I will be devastated, and I cannot afford to risk that because I will not have access to proper legal counsel based on my current income level and what I was taught in school. What do I do!? PLAN OF ACTION: Write your testimony and gather all the evidence you can first. Because your rights were violated under color of law, that falls under Title 18 United States Code (The Civil Rights Act); therefore, this is a matter of Federal Question, thereby giving jurisdiction to the local federal district court. Upon civil action, and omnibus motion can be filed (an omnibus motion is a composite motion consisting of various motions combined into a single motion): the omnibus motion can raise the federal question (see Civil Complaint form page 3) and a Motion to Transfer Venue and a request to joinder the criminal case with your new civil action so they are all handled into a single case. If the case is open-and-shut (can be determined “prima facie” or “at first glance”), a Special Dispositive Motion can be issued in order to bypass the trial and seek immediate judgment for relief proposed on the civil complaint form based on the court’s discretion rather than ruling as a matter of course. If one is concerned about retribution, one could request specific practical relief as well as a Protective Order in the form of a Restraining Order upon the defendants. You can also request compensation for damages for time that was lost as a result of the suffering and/or loss of property in order to get you on your feet.